Breaking: Senators Push Biden for Emergency China Travel Ban

Five GOP senators urge President Biden for a travel ban between the US and China due to a surge in an unidentified respiratory illness in China.

Senators include Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, Rick Scott, Tommy Tuberville, and Mike Braun, citing China's history of concealing health crises as a

reason for immediate action. They emphasize the need to protect Americans and the economy by restricting travel until more is known about the illness.

Reference is made to China's unexplained rise in childhood pneumonia cases and respiratory illnesses.

Reference is made to China's unexplained rise in childhood pneumonia cases and respiratory illnesses.

Criticism of China's lack of transparency during the COVID-19 pandemic is a focal point in the senators' call for action.

They draw parallels with former President Trump's 2020 travel ban on China, defending it as a prudent decision despite initial criticism of xenophobia.

Highlighting the severity of the illness, particularly its impact on children and strain on northern Chinese hospitals.

The World Health Organization (WHO) remains uncertain about whether this illness represents a surge in respiratory infections or distinct events.

Concerns are raised based on historical patterns, suggesting a need for vigilance regarding the new illness.

The White House has yet to respond to requests for comment from Fox News Digital regarding this issue.