Experience the Thrill of Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland

The Eyjafjallajokull volcano's melting water feeds the Seljalandsfoss waterfall, which is situated on Iceland's southern shore.

The waterfall cascades into a pretty meadow, but the main attraction is the path that runs behind the curtain of water.

You can get a truly unique viewpoint of the waterfall from behind the curtain.

Make sure to wear rain gear and sturdy shoes if you plan to walk behind the waterfall.

The path behind the waterfall is closed during the winter months due to the risk of falling ice.

Seljalandsfoss is a popular spot for picnics, as the surroundings are both beautiful and serene.

The waterfall is often included in the Golden Circle route, which is the most popular tourist route in Iceland.

To get to Seljalandsfoss, drive east from Reykjavik on Road 1. The waterfall is about 2 hours' drive from Reykjavik and can be seen from the road.

There are several other waterfalls in the area, including Gljufrabui and Skogafoss. The best time to visit Seljalandsfoss is during the summer, 

when there is less traffic. However, the waterfall is also beautiful in the winter, when you can see the northern lights dancing across the sky.