Travelers Beware: State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Advisory

The State Department has issued a worldwide travel advisory urging American citizens to exercise increased caution while overseas.

The advisory is in response to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, and demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests.

The advisory is not asking people to cancel their planned travel, but it is asking them to be more alert and aware of their surroundings.

Travelers are encouraged to sign up for the State Department's STEP programme and to keep their friends and family informed of their travel plans.

Travelers should also avoid super crowded iconic tourist places and not have their eyes glued to their phones while traveling.

Travelers should reconsider their itineraries if they are planning to travel to Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, or Jordan.

Travelers should look at the facts and study a map to avoid danger zones.

Travelers should buy travel insurance so that they are covered if the situation spreads or escalates.

Travelers should equip themselves with information by reading up on the local news in the area of their intended destination.

Travelers should trust their gut and postpone their trip if they are feeling uneasy to the point where enjoyment of the trip is compromised.