Al Michaels Pleads With The NFL To Ban Tush Push

Al Michaels, one of the most iconic sports broadcasters of all time, has called for the NFL to implement a game-changing rule adjustment.

Michaels is concerned about the increasing use of the “tush push” play, which involves offensive linemen shoving the quarterback from behind to help him gain yards on fourth-and-short situations.

What Al Michaels thinks about Tush Push

Michaels believes that the tush push is a dangerous play that puts the quarterback at risk of injury. He also believes that it is an unfair advantage for the offense, as it is difficult for defenses to stop.

“I think it’s a dangerous play,” Michaels said in a recent interview. “It’s a play that can lead to serious injuries to the quarterback. It’s also a play that is very difficult to defend against.”

Al Michaels Pleads With The NFL To Ban Tush Push

Michaels is not alone in his concerns about the tush push. Several other prominent NFL figures have also called for the league to ban the play.

Other prominent NFL figures Opinion

“I think it’s a dangerous play,” said former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning. “It’s a play that can lead to concussions and other serious injuries. I think the league should take a look at banning it.”

“I’m not a fan of the tush push,” said former NFL defensive end Michael Strahan. “It’s a play that puts the quarterback at risk of injury. It’s also a play that is very difficult to stop. I think the league should ban it.”

The NFL has not yet commented on Michaels’ call for a rule change. However, the league has a history of making rule changes to improve player safety. In recent years, the league has banned the horse collar tackle and the chop block.

Al Michaels made his thoughts Clear

If the NFL were to ban the tush push, it would be a significant change to the game. The play has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it is now used by many teams in short-yardage situations.

A ban on the tush push would make it more difficult for offenses to convert fourth-and-short situations. It would also make the game safer for quarterbacks.

Some potential benefits of banning the tush push

The tush push is a dangerous play that can lead to serious injuries, such as concussions and neck injuries. Banning the play would make the game safer for quarterbacks.

Banning the tush push would make it more difficult for offenses to convert fourth-and-short situations. This would make the game more competitive and give defenses a chance to catch up.

Banning the tush push would force offenses to be more creative in short-yardage situations. This would lead to more exciting and unpredictable gameplay.

Some potential drawbacks to banning the tush push

Making it more difficult for offenses to convert fourth-and-short situations could lead to less scoring in NFL games.

If offenses are forced to take more risks in short-yardage situations, it could lead to more turnovers.

A ban on the tush push would likely be controversial, with some fans and players arguing that it is an unfair advantage for defenses.


Whether or not the NFL should ban the tush push is a complex issue with pros and cons on both sides. Ultimately, the decision is up to the league’s competition committee. However, Al Michaels’ call for a rule change is sure to spark a debate among fans and players alike.

A ban on the tush push would have both positive and negative consequences.On the one hand, a ban on the tush push would make the game safer for quarterbacks. It would also make the game more competitive and give defenses a chance to catch up.

Additionally, it would force offenses to be more creative in short-yardage situations, which could lead to more exciting and unpredictable gameplay.On the other hand, a ban on the tush push could lead to less scoring and more turnovers in NFL games.

It could also be controversial, with some fans and players arguing that it is an unfair advantage for defenses. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to ban the tush push is up to the NFL’s competition committee.

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