ice skates

ice skates: Ice skating is the exhilaration of sharp blades spinning across the rink. Here are some tips for choosing your skates.

No more old laces and “on the boot” skating. Over the past several years, equipment has undergone a real revolution. Light, comfortable, and high-performance skates today meet all needs.


Before buying, consider your weight. Support, protection, and comfort depend on the assembly of the various materials used. The stiffer the skate, the better it will serve a heavy, competitive skater.

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Today, salespeople in sports stores recommend that girls buy boys’ skates. Simply because not everyone is a budding Jamie Salé or Joannie Rochette!

Skates designed for figure skating are very specific. Their blade, for example, is profiled to facilitate backward skating. With “guy” skates, movements are much more natural, and skating is easier. To find the right width, try a shoe of the same size, but in the “junior” category. Its volume will better match that of your foot.


Rental option: 

rent skates rather than buy them right away. This will allow you to better determine what meets your needs. As the reliance on synthetic materials now significantly reduces wear and maintenance, you can keep your skates much longer than before. Hence the importance of choosing them carefully. For children, trading counters are an economical solution.

The correct size:

 for children, take the correct size when trying on. For yourself, buy a skate a size or half a size smaller than your shoes. As the widths vary from one company to another, try several brands. For fitting, only one pair of socks is required. The same goes for your outings.

Dare to sharpen: 

if you skate in an arena where the ice is rather soft, have your skates sharpened after around ten sessions. Are you running outside? Do this every five outings. Outdoors, the ice is harder and wears down the blade edges more quickly.

Sharp blades: 

away from the rink, always use blade guards. They adjust to all skate sizes.

Anti-shivering tips: 

Are you worried about freezing your feet? Bring a pair of dry socks, which you will put on just before putting on your skates. This will help you avoid carrying moisture from your winter boots.

Protection question: 

equip beginner children with knee pads (those for in-line skating), which they will wear over their pants. You can also put a helmet on them, leaving room for a tuque or hat.

Interview question: 

dry the blades after each ride; use blade guards; remove the soles of your skates so that the inside dries better.


Excellent for cardiovascular function, skating offers you a wonderful excuse to go play outside and get used to winter again. Start slowly and gradually increase the pace to allow your muscles to warm up. Skating is also a good way to prepare for the skate step in cross-country skiing. No reason, therefore, to do without it!

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